

随着社交网络的兴起,越来越多人会在社交平台上发布说说,用以分享生活【yuer9.com】日常和自己的感悟。你知道什么样的说说才有创意吗?下面是栏目小编精心整理的生活的句子英文[合计90句], 为方便后续阅读,请你收藏本文。


生活的句子英文 一

1、 As long as a person knows to give love and care, her heart will naturally be filled with love and care.


3、 All victories are insignificant compared with the victories of self-conquest.

4、 To be angry is to punish one's folly with others' mistakes. The setting sun is like gold, the bright moon is like silver, and the happiness and happiness of life are still inexhaustible. Where can there be time to get angry? Look on the bright side!


6、 There is no mountain higher than people, and there is no road longer than feet. Believe me, if you never give up, you will fly higher.

7、 Labor builds confidence in one's intellectual strength.



10、 Love life and be your best self!

11、 There is always a wonderful reason for a wonderful life, and the sweetest one laughs last.

12、 Time has gradually taken away the young and frivolous, and slowly precipitated self-knowledge.

13、 Looking at the way you came, it was all blank.

14、 No matter how much virtue is spent, there will be a day when virtue will fade.

15、 If you can give a green leaf, you can harvest the whole spring.

16、 I would rather be left alone. The lonely environment in the past made me feel much more comfortable inside.

17、 Labor and science are the two greatest forces in the world.

18、 The past belongs to death, but now belongs to oneself.

19、 As long as you have confidence, people will never be defeated.

20、 You can rest when you are tired, but it has nothing to do with giving up.


22、 Happiness is a kind of perfume, which cannot be poured on others without getting some on yourself.

23、 If you go through a bad life with a smile, you will win.

24、 No matter how many setbacks in life, please beat it with the radian of the corners of your mouth; Spring breeze is ten miles, not as good as smiling yourself; From then on, don't worry about the past, and just want to laugh for the rest of my life.

25、 Fantasy is harmless at all. It can even support and strengthen the perseverance of workers.

26、 Only when people laugh at dreams can they realize their value.

27、 I want to live like a piece of lime. The more people pour cold water on me, the more my life boils.

28、 The whole life is thought and labor. Although labor is unknown and ordinary, it cannot be interrupted.

29、 It is rare to fight back in life, so when will you stay?

30、 As long as you live, there is nothing that can't be solved, just time and wisdom.



1、 Time, running around us at the same speed, gives people the same time to create life. Those who don't cherish time let it flow away in vain, and those who cherish time are the real WINNER.

2、 Don't mistreat every enthusiasm, and don't please any MoMo.

3、 Without the emotion caused by oil painting, sculpture, music, poetry and all kinds of natural beauty, the fun of life will be lost by half.


5、 Wish: forget what you can't get; Treasure what you have!

6、 Life is full of vitality, and everything is full of vitality. Smart people have the spirit to know how to fight for it; Foolish people will only get angry if they are angry.

7、 Busy life is exhausting and almost suffocating. Watching people go to school, go to school, work, just like fools day after day, year after year.

8、 If you believe you can do it, you will be energetic; If you think you can't do it yourself, you will be depressed.

9、 There are some barriers in life that you must fight hard, and you can't waste your happiness in order to make a living.

10、 If you don't hurt, the years will be safe.

11、 Love your work. No power can make people become great and intelligent people like labor, that is, the power of collective love and freedom.

12、 Life is like a cup of tea. You can't suffer all your life, but you always have to suffer for a while.

13、 It is often lamented that living is really tiring. Tired, it is mental pressure; Tired is a heavy psychological burden. Tired and not tired are always relative. If you don't want to be tired, you must learn and understand relaxation; Life is expensive because of its relaxation. Tired heart makes people fall into sub-health for a long time; Tired heart, will make the self depressed. Don't be too tired, learn and understand to free yourself.

14、 Only when you have a broad mind can you have a happy life.

15、 Get used to nature. Just look at the present, live a pure and free life.



18、 All living beings are parents who have lived through the ages. How can we read their parents' mistakes?

19、 Suffering, like happiness, is the flower of life in full bloom.

20、 Missing makes people learn to cherish, while falling down makes people understand people's hearts. All experiences are the best precipitation.

21、 Whoever can make good use of the daytime all his life will surely live a greater life.

22、 Establish Qi Jiazhi and keep loyalty and filial piety.

23、 It is not good to wait for opportunities, but to create opportunities.

24、 Work and be industrious: labor is the most reliable wealth.

25、 Lemons should not be envied. Watermelons are sweet.

26、 Life, this is the first important book of all books.

27、 It turns out that the best thing is not to meet you in the most beautiful years, but to feel the beauty of your years after meeting you.

28、 The greatest happiness in life is the fruits of one's own labor.

29、 Brown sugar and white sugar are not as sweet as fruits of labor.

30、 One today is better than two tomorrows.

31、 Every day, I pursue my dream, and every day, I go further than my dream.

32、 There are many worlds.

33、 The family is afraid of being rich before being poor, while the government is afraid of being wide before being tight.

34、 Life is a balance, one end is the ending, the other is the price paid.

35、 Fate is not easy, and it can be done and cherished!

36、 Every time you are disappointed in your life, you can pin your thoughts on noble character, pure feelings and happiness, and you can masturbate.

37、 Adversity is a wealth, which can temper one's will.

38、 A true strong man does not want to overwhelm everything, but does not give in to all difficulties.

39、 The fruit of labor is the sweetest of all fruits.

40、 God made me a powerful person, not a good-looking doll.



1、 There is indeed a high wall on the road to dreams, but it only blocks those who do not love enough.

2、 The future is not long, and every day goes by, and when people see one side, they will see one side less, and they will do and cherish it.

3、 Make yourself have more jobs and get used to work. This is the first condition of happiness in life.

4、 A happy smile is simple, but a smile in trouble is not simple.

5、 Whoever is willing to work hard can make a lot of achievements and be outstanding.

6、 Happiness follows labor.

7、 Your hand is the ru【www.yuer9.com】ler of nature.


9、 Society is a mirror. You think you are great, but in fact you are ridiculous.

10、 Living is not to win sympathy by tears, but to win applause by sweat!

11、 When you remember when you are old, your heart is happy and your childhood is brilliant and beautiful.

12、 When you know many people of all kinds and feel lonely. Then, you will face reality, know cruelty, feel heartache and be forced to grow up.

13、 There is nothing to be regretted, only whether you have made efforts now!

14、 Don't expect anyone to accompany you for the rest of your life, and don't even accompany you when there is no light.

15、 It's wrong to get married hastily. Never divorce hastily.

16、 No matter how ambitious the goal is, it cannot be supported by faith.

17、 Everyone has something unreasonable. Don't be hard on others, and don't blame yourself.

18、 Don't complain when you encounter difficulties. Since you can't change the past, try to change the future.

19、 Life is fleeting, but career can sometimes hang on forever.

